Life plunders, let us recover the spoil!


Take the trip ~ You won’t regret it! 

What Disney Means to My Family… by Rebecca Benton

When we scheduled our very first trip to Disney as a family with two little princesses, we were excited beyond anything to have the opportunity.  We had the date set, outfits purchased, and magic bands ordered.  

Life, however, took a different turn.   We lost one of the most precious souls, my mother-in-law (Grandma E.).

We postponed our trip, but didn’t cancel, because we knew that she would want us to go and spend that special family time together.  (She had even bought the girls Disney outfits).  She always made a point to say, “Go, spend time with your family” or “Go, spend time with those sweet girls of yours.” So, we decided to TAKE THE TRIP!!! 

Fast forward two months, we arrived at Walt Disney World without any expectations.  What we didn’t know, was that it would end up being a week FULL of joy, so many smiles, laughter, and even tears (but not the sad kind).  I truly feel like God used that time to restore joy into our lives, and remind us that all those moments and memories are PRECIOUS.  The trip truly was “Magical” in every single way… 

We completely fell in love with Disney, and have since made it a our main vacation destination!!!  It is our special time to unplug from the world, and focus on valuable family time making MAGICAL MEMORIES TOGETHER!